Support Droid concept process

1 key shot render composite

1 key shot render composite

2  key shot render composite

2 key shot render composite

3  key shot render composite

3 key shot render composite

Section / concept overlay

Section / concept overlay

Section for 3D block out projection

Section for 3D block out projection

thumbnail sketch to clean sketch concept

thumbnail sketch to clean sketch concept

thumb sheet 1-5

thumb sheet 1-5

thumb sheet 5-8

thumb sheet 5-8

Support Bot breakdown; Taking a set of thumbnail sketches created in photoshop, picking one for 3D development and building in Z Brush using the z modeller brush to block out for rendering in key shot and compositing final concept in photoshop...

Will put together with the Mech pilot at some point for some key frame still render comps ;D

Thanks for looking & check out my Instagram sketchbook for regular updates: